The Subtle Challenges of Choosing Simpler, Healthier Habits

Overcoming the Hardest Simple Choices for a Healthier Life

read time: 8 minutes

Hey there, Resilient Warrior!

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter! Today, we dive into a fascinating topic: why the simplest, healthiest habits can sometimes be the hardest to choose. We often find it easier to engage in more strenuous activities than to make small, yet impactful, lifestyle changes. Let's explore this subtle challenge together and find ways to make healthier choices simpler.

The Difficulty of Simplicity

Choosing simpler, healthier habits can be surprisingly challenging. While we often think of hard choices as those that require more effort or willpower, sometimes the simplest decisions are the toughest to make. This paradox is something many of us experience daily.

Turning Off the TV and Going for a Walk

Imagine this: you've had a long day, and all you want to do is relax on the couch and watch your favorite show. The idea of turning off the TV and going for a walk feels daunting, even though you know it would be good for you. Why is that?

Firstly, TV provides immediate gratification. It’s easy, passive, and doesn’t require much effort. Walking, on the other hand, requires you to get up, change your environment, and engage in physical activity. The benefits of walking, such as improved mood and health, are not immediate, making it harder to choose in the moment.

Putting Down the Phone and Playing with the Kids

Another common challenge is choosing to put down your phone to play with your kids. Smartphones are designed to capture our attention with notifications, social media, and endless information. Playing with your kids, while immensely rewarding, demands your full presence and engagement.

This scenario highlights the difficulty of prioritizing meaningful, yet less immediately stimulating activities. It requires a conscious effort to disconnect from the digital world and connect with your loved ones.

Letting Go of Non-Essential Items

Decluttering your life by getting rid of non-essential items can be tougher than taking on new challenges. Many of us hold onto things because they have sentimental value or because we might need them someday. This attachment makes the process of letting go emotionally taxing, even if it ultimately leads to a simpler, more organized life.

Overcoming the Challenges

Understanding why these simple choices are difficult is the first step towards overcoming them. Here are a few strategies to help you make those healthier decisions:

  1. Mindfulness: Being mindful of your habits and the reasons behind your choices can help you make more conscious decisions. Before you opt for the easy choice, take a moment to reflect on what would truly benefit your well-being.

  2. Small Steps: Break down the task into smaller, more manageable steps. Instead of committing to a long walk, start with a short stroll around the block. Gradually increase the duration as it becomes a more ingrained habit.

  3. Set Reminders: Use reminders to prompt you to make those simple, healthier choices. Set an alarm to remind you to take a break and go for a walk or to put your phone down and spend time with your family.

  4. Create a Reward System: Reward yourself for making healthier choices. Positive reinforcement can make it easier to form new habits.

Choosing simpler, healthier habits may be challenging, but the benefits are worth the effort. By being mindful, taking small steps, setting reminders, and rewarding yourself, you can make these choices a natural part of your daily routine. Remember, the journey to a healthier life begins with one simple step.

Quick Tips:

1. Mindfulness

  • Take a moment to be present before making a choice. Ask yourself what truly benefits your well-being.

2. Small Steps

  • Break down simple tasks into even smaller steps. Celebrate each small achievement.

3. Set Reminders

  • Use reminders to prompt you to make those simple, healthier choices regularly.


This week, we spotlight James Clear, the author of "Atomic Habits." His insights on building good habits and breaking bad ones can inspire us to make those simple choices.

Quick Favor:

If you found this topic insightful, be sure to read our latest Medium articles on The Power of Perspective in Reducing Stress. Don’t forget to subscribe to our Medium publication “The Resilient Mindset” for more practical wisdom and friendly conversations.

📚 What I’m Reading, Watching and Listening to:

Reading: "Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything" by BJ Fogg
This book provides a practical guide on forming good habits and breaking bad ones by starting small. BJ Fogg's approach fits perfectly with our theme of overcoming the subtle challenges of choosing simpler, healthier habits. It's packed with research-based insights and actionable advice to help you make lasting changes in your daily life​ (Amazon) (

Article: "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg
Dive into the science of habit formation and learn how to transform bad habits into positive ones. Charles Duhigg's article, based on extensive research, provides a detailed understanding of how habits work and how you can change them effectively (

Listening: "The Habit Coach" with Ashdin Doctor
In this podcast, Ashdin Doctor shares techniques and tips for building better habits. Each episode offers practical advice on creating positive habits, breaking negative ones, and making lasting changes. It's an excellent resource for staying motivated and learning new strategies for personal growth (Apple Podcast) (Spotify)

Watching: "How to Break Your Phone Addiction" by Thomas Frank
In this video, Thomas Frank offers practical strategies to reduce screen time and overcome phone addiction. He provides actionable tips that are easy to implement, making it a great resource for anyone looking to be more present and less reliant on their smartphone.

Personal Update:

This week, I realized how challenging it can be to make simple choices that benefit our well-being. Reflecting on my own experiences, I've found that small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements. Let’s commit to making one simple, healthy choice every day.

What simple, healthy habit have you found the hardest to adopt? Share your experiences and tips with us on social media. Your insights might help someone else!

Thank you for joining us for this week's newsletter! We hope the insights and strategies shared here help you embrace simpler, healthier habits in your daily life. Remember, making small, positive changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

Stay connected with us on social media for daily tips and inspiration. Follow us on X (Twitter) and subscribe on Medium to never miss an update.

Until next week, keep striving for those simple, yet impactful changes. We're in this journey together!

Best regards,

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